SEC Expected to Raise More Questions About How Firms Calculate Non-GAAP Measures

The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to ask more companies to explain how they calculate performance measures that go beyond U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, a move to gauge whether these metrics could potentially mislead investors. The U.S. securities regulator for years has monitored companies’ use of so-called non-GAAP earnings measures in their financial… Continue reading SEC Expected to Raise More Questions About How Firms Calculate Non-GAAP Measures

Minimum Tax Proposal Would Create Complications for Investors and Companies, Tax Experts Say

A Democratic proposal to tie taxes for big companies more closely to their financial accounting could distort public financial disclosures, inject politics into accounting rule-making and complicate financial reporting for large companies, according to accounting and tax experts and investors. The proposal, which passed the House by a seven-vote margin on Friday, is intended to… Continue reading Minimum Tax Proposal Would Create Complications for Investors and Companies, Tax Experts Say